Top 5 survival skills every camper needs

Tips & tricks

From navigating to staying safe in the wilderness, there are certain essential survival skills that every camper needs to know. Read on to find out what they are and how you can prepare yourself for any outdoor adventure!

Do you often find yourself daydreaming about a great outdoor adventure, but you’re skeptical of your own survival skills? You fantasize how wonderful and magical it would be just to roam and be on your own with nature, but you’re not sure how to be fully prepared? Well, this article should be right up your alley, as we’ll go through every important survival skill you’ll ever need for camping.

Surviving in the great outdoors can be both exhilarating and challenging. Whether you’re a seasoned camper or starting out, you must have the right skills to stay safe and comfortable. In this article, we’ll cover the top five survival skills every camper needs. From navigation to first aid, animal and plant recognition to shelter-building, and hiking, we’ll give you all the information you need to have a successful camping trip. So, let’s get started!


Being lost in the wilderness can be a scary experience, so it’s important to have the skills to navigate your way back to safety. This means you can find your way using a map and compass, reading the landscape, and even using the stars at night. It’s essential to learn these skills before you go camping so that you’re prepared for any situation.

When it comes to navigation gear, we recommend you bring a map, compass, and a GPS device if you have one. At night, navigating by the stars can be a fun and challenging experience. To learn this skill, consider taking a class or practicing in your local area before you go camping. 

Probably the most important tip for navigating during camping is to plan your route in advance and always have a backup plan in case of unexpected obstacles or changes in the terrain. 

And then there is a whole other beast: navigating when there is no daylight.

Navigating at night

Navigation during the day can be a piece of cake compared to navigating during the night. Hikers usually move while there is still daylight, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared for some night hiking, if the need arises. There are a few essential things you need to know:

  1. Keep your pace slow and steady, especially in areas with uneven terrain or obstacles.
  2. Use a headlamp or flashlight to light your way, but be mindful of your surroundings and try not to shine light directly in the eyes of wildlife or other campers.
  3. Listen carefully to your surroundings and be alert for any sounds that might indicate you’re off course.
  4. Make note of any landmarks or natural features that you can use as reference points for navigation.

pocket flashlight for camping trip

First Aid

Accidents can happen, and it’s important to be prepared with first aid skills. Knowing how to treat cuts, blisters, and other injuries can make all the difference in a survival situation. Before camping, consider taking a first aid class or reading a book on the subject.

In addition to first aid skills, you should also bring a first aid kit with you. This should include bandages, antiseptic, pain relievers, and any other items specific to your needs. We recommend you give a look at our article dedicated to first aid for camping.

Animal and Plant Recognition

Knowing your surroundings is crucial when camping in the wilderness. Being able to identify the flora and fauna of the area can help you avoid dangerous plants and animals. It’s also a fun and educational experience to learn about the unique plants and animals in the area you’re visiting.

To learn about the plants and animals in our Camp Šimuni, Croatia, consider reading the article we wrote on this fascinating subject. There may also be local experts or park rangers who can provide information and advice once you arrive at the location.

Some simple rules you should generally follow considering animals and plants:

  • Respect the wildlife and do not approach or feed any wild animals, as this can be dangerous for both you and the animal.
  • Store all food and waste securely in containers or bear-resistant canisters to avoid attracting wildlife to your campsite.
  • Do not disturb the natural habitats of plants and animals by cutting down trees or disturbing soil and streams.
  • Do not pick wildflowers or remove rocks, shells, or other natural items from the area, as this can disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
  • Follow the “leave no trace” principle by leaving the campsite and surrounding area as you found it.

hiking in the nature


Having the skills to build a shelter can be a lifesaver in a survival situation. Whether you’re caught in a rainstorm or just need a place to rest, being able to construct a shelter is an important skill for any camper.

If f you’re thinking about what you could potentially use as building material for your shelter, don’t worry, you don’t have to search far. You can always grab some branches, leaves, and pine needles to construct a simple shelter that will protect you from the elements. Besides the shelter itself, you should also consider the skill of starting a fire as an essential skill. Fire is crucial for survival in the wilderness. You can use dry leaves, sticks, and other natural materials to get a fire going, which will provide warmth, light, and a way to cook food. 

Before you go camping, consider practicing building improvised shelters in your local area. You should also bring a tarp, rope, and other necessary tools for shelter-building. And, as a fun fact, did you know that some of the world’s most iconic structures, such as the pyramids, were built as shelters?


Hiking is a staple activity for any camper. It’s important to have the skills to hike safely and comfortably, such as knowing how to pace yourself, reading a map, and identifying hazards. To acquire hiking skills, consider taking a class or practicing in your local area before you go camping. You should also bring hiking gear, including a backpack, water bottle, and proper footwear.

In conclusion, camping in the great outdoors can be an exciting and rewarding experience with the right skills. Let’s recap: from navigation to first aid, animal and plant recognition to shelter-building, and hiking, these are the top five survival skills every camper needs. And, what better place to put these skills into practice than at Camp Šimuni in Croatia? So, pack your bags and hit the trails!

If you have any questions or feel unsure about what our wonderful camp can provide you with, please don’t be a stranger, contact us