The Ultimate Car Camping Essentials List

Tips & tricks

Gear up for your next outdoor escapade with our comprehensive car camping essentials guide!

Ever heard the saying, ‘Failing to prepare is preparing to fail’? Well, when it comes to car camping, those words couldn’t ring truer! Imagine waking up to the gentle sounds of nature and peering out of your car window at a sky littered with stars. Sounds like the perfect adventure, right? But without the right gear from your camping essentials list, what was meant to be a dreamy escape could quickly turn into a logistical nightmare.

Preparing thoroughly before you set out is key to ensuring your adventure is enjoyable and safe. 

Let’s dive into the ultimate car camping essentials list to make your experience unforgettable!

What is car camping?

Car camping is your ticket to exploring the great outdoors with the added convenience of bringing along a trunk full of comforts. Ideal for both camping novices and seasoned pros, it’s the ultimate way to make nature accessible and practical, no matter your level of outdoor expertise!

Car camping essentials checklist

Ready to hit the road for your next outdoor adventure? Our comprehensive camping essentials list is your go-to guide, ensuring you pack everything needed for a successful excursion into the wild.

Sleep & shelter

A good night’s sleep and reliable shelter are the bedrock of any pleasant camping experience. Choosing the right tent, sleeping bag, and additional sleep accessories from this camping necessities list is crucial, as these should align with the environment and season to ensure comfort and protection.


Your tent is your home away from home, so select one that’s durable, weather-resistant, and spacious enough for your group and gear. It’s your first line of defense against the elements, whether rain or shine, and a true camping necessity.

Sleeping bag

A good sleeping bag is a key camping must-have — opt for a warmer, insulated model for cold weather, and a lighter one for summer trips.


Never underestimate the power of a comfortable pillow to improve your sleep quality in the great outdoors. Compact and travel-friendly options are available that don’t compromise on comfort.

Sleeping pad/mattress

A sleeping pad or mattress not only provides cushioning but also insulation from the cold ground. Choose one that balances comfort, weight, and ease of packing.

Window covers

Window covers are essential for privacy and to block out early morning light. They can also help insulate your car, keeping it cool in summer and warm in colder months.


A tarp is essential for protecting your gear and providing shelter. It shields effectively against rain and sun.

Cooking equipment

Embrace the joy of outdoor cooking, an essential part of any camping trip. Equipping yourself with the right tools ensures each meal is a delightful and hassle-free experience in the wild.

Portable stove or grill

A reliable stove or grill is crucial for cooking hot meals, providing the heat source needed for a wide range of recipes.


Durable cookware, like pots and pans, is essential for preparing everything from morning eggs to evening stews.

Eating utensils

Don’t forget sturdy eating utensils — a combination of spoons, forks, and knives suited for outdoor dining.

Cleaning supplies

Pack biodegradable soap and sponges to keep your cookware and eating utensils clean, ensuring minimal environmental impact. These are important to include on your camping essentials list.


A cooler helps keep perishables fresh and beverages chilled, enhancing your camping food experience. It’s one of the key car camping essentials.

Food storage containers

Food storage containers are crucial for keeping food safe and organized, and for preventing spills.

Water storage

Adequate water storage is a must, ensuring you have enough clean water for drinking, cooking, and cleaning.

Food and snacks

Planning your meals and snacks is crucial to maintain energy levels and ensure a pleasant camping experience. Well-thought-out food choices keep you fueled for activities and help make your adventure more enjoyable. 

Non-perishable food items

Stock up on non-perishable items like canned goods, pasta, and rice that provide essential nutrients and have a long shelf life, ensuring you’re prepared for any trip length.

Easy-to-cook meals

Opt for easy-to-cook meals that require minimal ingredients and preparation time, such as pre-packaged mixes and instant foods, to simplify campsite cooking.


Energy bars, nuts, and dried fruits are great snacks that offer a quick energy boost and are easy to pack and carry, perfect for on-the-go nourishment.


Include a variety of drinks like water, juices, and teas to stay hydrated and cater to different tastes and needs throughout your adventure.

Safety items

Being prepared for emergencies is crucial in any outdoor setting. Packing essential safety items is a key part of what to bring camping to ensure you can handle various situations confidently and safely. Here are some vital safety camping must-haves:

First aid kit

Always carry a well-stocked first aid kit to address minor injuries or medical needs swiftly.


A reliable flashlight or headlamp is essential for navigating and performing tasks in the dark.


A sturdy multi-tool can prove invaluable for quick repairs and unexpected needs around the campsite.

Fire extinguisher

Keep a small fire extinguisher handy to deal with any accidental fires quickly and prevent them from spreading.

Map and compass

Even in the age of GPS, a traditional map and compass are indispensable for navigation, especially in areas with unreliable signal coverage.

Season/weather-appropriate clothing

It’s essential to wear clothing suitable for the season to ensure comfort and protection. Proper attire can make or break your camping experience, keeping you warm, dry, or cool, depending on the conditions.

Extra socks and underwear

Always pack extra socks and underwear; they are crucial for comfort and hygiene, especially when you might get wet or sweaty.

Hats and gloves

Hats and gloves protect you from the sun and cold, helping maintain your body temperature in various weather conditions.


If your camping trip involves water activities or you’ll be near a lake or beach, don’t forget to pack your swimwear for a refreshing dip or sunbathing.

Personal hygiene essentials

Maintaining personal hygiene is crucial while camping. Packing the right items will help you stay clean and protected throughout your adventure.

Biodegradable soap

Opt for biodegradable soap to minimize your environmental impact while keeping clean, ideal for both dishwashing and personal use.

Toothbrush and toothpaste

Never forget your toothbrush and toothpaste to maintain oral hygiene, helping you feel fresh even in the wild.

Quick-dry towel

A quick-dry towel is lightweight and efficient, drying rapidly to prevent mildew and save space in your camping gear.

Toilet paper

Always bring along enough toilet paper, and consider a biodegradable option that is better for the environment.

Hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is a must for quick hand cleaning, especially before meals or after contact with surfaces, when water and soap aren’t handy.

Sunscreen and insect repellent

Protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays and keep bugs at bay with sunscreen and insect repellent, essential for any outdoor activity.

Portable power sources

Reliable power sources are crucial for keeping your devices charged and ready to use, ensuring you can navigate, communicate, and capture memories without interruption.

Portable charger /power bank

Always carry a portable charger or power bank to quickly recharge your phone, camera, or other gadgets, especially during extended periods away from traditional power sources.

Solar charger

A solar charger is an eco-friendly option that utilizes sunlight to generate power, perfect for camping in remote locations or where sunny conditions prevail.

Lighting options

Lighting is essential for safety and ambiance during nighttime at the campsite.


Lanterns provide widespread, stable lighting, perfect for illuminating common areas or inside tents.

String lights

String lights add a charming glow to your camp setup, enhancing the atmosphere and making the site more navigable after dark.

Entertainment devices

Keeping entertained is key to a memorable camping experience, especially during relaxed evenings or rainy days.

Portable speakers

Portable speakers allow you to enjoy your favorite music or podcasts, creating a fun atmosphere outdoors.

Books or e-readers

Packing books or an e-reader offers a lightweight, convenient way to enjoy reading in the great outdoors.

Board games and cards

Board games and cards are perfect for group entertainment, providing fun and interaction without the need for electronic devices.

Camping furniture

Comfortable camping furniture elevates your outdoor living space, providing the comforts of home in the wilderness.

Camp chairs

Durable and portable camp chairs give you a comfortable place to sit, relax, and enjoy the scenery.

Camp table

A camp table offers a stable surface for meals, games, or planning your next day’s activities.


A hammock is the ultimate relaxation piece, perfect for napping or lounging between trees with a good book or just enjoying the breeze.

In wrapping up our guide to car camping, remember that thorough preparation is the key to a successful outdoor adventure. Using this checklist as your guide will ensure you don’t forget any camping must-haves, helping to make your experience both memorable and enjoyable. Many items on this list are readily available within campsites, offering convenience and enhancing your camping trip. For an even more comfortable stay, consider exploring the amenities offered by specific camps, such as dining options and recreational activities.

We invite you to check out our homepage for more information on what Camping Village Šimuni has to offer. Take advantage of the facilities, including restaurants, and feel free to reach out through our contact form to plan your perfect holiday. Experience the beauty of the outdoors with all the comforts of home right at your fingertips!