Your trip to the beach does not have to endanger nature. Learn how to enjoy your vacation while being environmentally-friendly!

Plastic waste in the ocean is something we read about every day and going on a trip or a vacation often results in a large amount of waste that is not disposed of as it should. Various containers, plastic bottles, plastic cutlery and beach toys, inflatable boats or inflatable flamingos often end up as waste. Because of that, we should try to do as little damage as possible and not contribute to the growth of environmental problems, one of the leading problems in the world today.

People are slowly becoming more and more aware of their impact on nature, so it’s becoming easier to find eco-friendly options for many of the things we use everyday. Little changes like these are available to almost everyone, so it’s up to us to acquire these habits and accept different lifestyles!

Equipment you carry on the trip

Take food and liquids, such as shampoo and detergent, in glass or plastic containers that you will wash and take home after use. In this way, existing items are recycled and plastic waste is reduced. Also, take all of these things in canvas bags that you can use for shopping while on vacation.

Instead of buying a bunch of plastic plates and cutlery, bring an old set from home that will be environmentally friendly and functional as your camping dishes. You will save money and save nature from additional pollution produced from plastic that you will use for just a few minutes.

Also, forget about buying plastic water bottles and bring glass bottles (or any reusable water bottle) that you can use again.


While you are on vacation, try not to use your car. Instead, use the nice weather for pleasant walks, rent a bike or a scooter. In this way, you help your health, but by reducing CO2, you also help the planet. Total world traffic is one of the leading environmental problems, so going on vacation is the perfect opportunity for anyone to make a change, especially if you visit smaller places where you can go everywhere you need on foot. If, on the other hand, you are going to a bigger city and cycling is not the most practical option, then use public transport such as a bus or tram and leave the car at home.

Think before you buy

When you are on vacation, think carefully about what you need. People often buy a lot of unnecessary groceries that end up in the trash because there is no room for them when they return home. Always buy exactly as much as you need for that meal or for that day. Shop locally and support a sustainable way of growing. Fruits, vegetables and meat are always fresher and healthier at local vendors, so take advantage  of it! If you find yourself on Pag, try local meat delicacies, famous cheese or traditional Croatian brandy. Also, bring a canvas bag with you every time you shop to avoid buying plastic ones and think before you buy an inflatable sea mattress!


If you are going camping for the first time, try to borrow or rent a tent without buying a new one. In case you like this type of tourism, buy your own one! Also, camping is a perfect opportunity for changes that contribute to the environment. Take advantage of old clothes, get eco-friendly soaps, battery-powered lights or solar camping lamps and enjoy this ideal example of zero waste tourism.

Fun and activities

You can have fun without polluting the environment. Avoid driving a jet ski that consumes fuel and try sailing, rent a catamaran or a beach board and let the wind of the Adriatic Sea carry you. If you’re not interested in beach activities, board games are always a good choice, and for physical activity, you can choose to ride a mountain bike.

Flora and fauna

On your trips, and especially when camping, you will come across many plant and animal species. Never pick plants or feed wild animals, and instead, enjoy their presence and be happy with having the opportunity to meet them in parts of nature that are still untouched.

Enjoy the beauties nearby

One of the best ways to reduce your CO2 emissions, save money and reduce waste is to travel near your location. People are often not familiar with the beauties of their countries, and Croatia is a perfect example of that; the sea, rivers, lakes, mountains and many other things make this country enchanting, but unfortunately they are often not highlighted enough. You can enjoy the unreal beauties of this small country by using public transport such as buses and trains which can take you to wonderful camping spots.

Be aware

The most important thing about ecology is to be aware. Our lifestyle shapes the fate of our planet. It is up to us to wake up and change our lives to preserve all that nature gives us. So before we go on a trip, we need to think about our impact on the environment and set our priorities. As soon as we become aware of its importance, it will be easier to make changes that benefit everyone around us. Making small changes is not that difficult; they just need to be accepted as an important decision for a better world.

People enjoy the comfort of their lives every day, and while many of them strive to be environmentally conscious, most forget it once they hit the road. Our journey may take ten days, but the consequences can last for several hundred years, so try to be eco-friendly and sustainable both at home and on your vacay!